Polyglot Theatre – Singapore tour
- Innovation
- Student event
The Polyglot Theatre group will be touring Singapore and the USA as part of the ‘Octoburst’ festival at the Esplanade. Polyglot’s season of ‘Cerita Anak’ (Child’s Story) is part of the program and was co-created with Indonesia’s Papermoon Puppet Theatre. Puppetry, shadow imagery, song and sound are used to create a delightful interactive experience where real-life stories are reinvented with Polyglot’s signature play and imagination, along with Papermoon Puppet Theatre’s exquisite imagery.
Cerita Anak (Child’s Story) draws its inspiration from the seafaring history in Java and the true tale of arrival told by a small boy. A magical sequence brings to life a dazzling ocean, where audience members, both young and old, are passengers and storytellers on this not to be missed adventure.
Photo credit: Indra Wicaksono